



Permanent Safety | Complete Safety


Permanent Safety Complete Safety


At ET we implement Automatic Fire Detection and/or Suppression Systems – AFDS / AFDSS.

These fire detection systems are completely automatic, and they warn people in a timely manner, so that the necessary corrective measures (manual or automatic) can be undertaken to control and suppress such fires.

NP4413 certification allows us to perform equipment inspection and maintenance services at our facilities or in our workshop van.


At ET we implement conventional or addressable systems recognized for their quality and service excellence. NP4413 certification allows us to perform equipment inspection and maintenance services at our facilities or in our workshop van.

We guarantee a range of solutions capable of meeting the expectations of the market while ensuring compliance with legal requirements and/or associated standards.


Enclosed spaces can contain different types of harmful gases. Gas detection equipment help identify the type of gas and, consequently, help conduct a rigorous assessment of risks.
At ET we have the technical experience and knowledge required to provide the best and most appropriate equipment / solutions for working in enclosed spaces, duly certified by ATEX, in accordance with Directive 99/9/EC.


The control of gases and vapors, both in installations and/or extensive surfaces, and by workers facing potentially dangerous situations, is one of the strengths of the ET offer.

At ET we have the technical experience and knowledge required to provide the best and most appropriate equipment / solutions for working in enclosed spaces, duly certified by ATEX, in accordance with Directive 99/9/EC.


Protective solutions for working at heights are used in situations where workers are at risk of falling. For instance, retention and prevention systems, which prevent workers from reaching areas where there is a risk of falling, or, for instance, systems that act in the event of an actual fall, preventing the worker from colliding with a level below the work platform.

At ET we have all the required technical knowledge to recommend protective equipment against falls from a height for each work situation, as well as for developing unique, tailor-made solutions for each project according to the specific requirements and characteristics of each work environment.

As a certified company for this purpose, ET carries out the installation of Lifelines, as well as the respective inspection, maintenance and certification.


This type of system offers a complete range in terms of electronic security, as it can detect suspicious activity against people and property by viewing images locally or remotely in real time, and the images captured are used to provide evidence to criminal investigation authorities.

For the implementation of these systems, ET has state-of-the-art solutions and is a world reference, developing project study and implementation services with strong know-how – basic design and integration with existing systems are possible.


A solution specifically designed for integrated PPE management, which gives greater autonomy to companies and workers.
It creates consumption profiles, manages stock in real time, and automatically records the allocation of PPEs.

ET operates along the entire supply chain, namely by providing Dispensers, as well as looking after their maintenance, their management software, and the respective PPEs.

Find out more about Automatic PPE Dispensers


This type of system offers a complete range in terms of electronic security, as it can detect suspicious activity against people and property by viewing images locally or remotely in real time, and the images captured are used to provide evidence to criminal investigation authorities.

For the implementation of these systems, ET has state-of-the-art solutions and is a world reference, developing project study and implementation services with strong know-how – basic design and integration with existing systems are possible.


All equipment whose mission is to ensure individual or collective protection must be periodically inspected regarding its state of conservation and maintenance. Periodic inspection fosters a good safety and health prevention policy in the workplace.

At ET we have all the required technical knowledge to correctly carry out complete periodic inspection to both Personal and Collective Protective Equipment. We act in an integrated manner and ensure that, in addition to supplying the equipment itself, each manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations are applied to each component, subsystem or equipment system.

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